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Anand Niketan Suraksha and Vikas Samiti

Making our
Society Better


Only Joy in the world
is to begin.

Formed in the year 2013, Anand Niketan Suraksha and Vikas Samiti began its Journey supported by founding members Brig S.N. Setia, Sh. Tarun Gupta, Sh. S K Gupta, Sh. Baldev Singh , Sh D R Soni , Sh Rajesh Ahuja, and Sh. R S Rana .

Amongst many initiatives taken by ANSVS includes beautification of the society, ensuring cleanliness, installing and maintaining gates on all entry points, installing speed brakers and various others besides ensuring 24/7 security.

Every year at the Annual General Meeting merituous students are awarded with shilds for expceptional performance in board results, super senior citizens are honoured by the VIP guests and senior executive team members of the society.

Our Team Members